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What We Believe


-- that God is real (and so is Satan).

-- that Jesus is God's son. (John 3:16)

-- that the Bible comes from God. And that it is complete and inerrant. (2 Timothy 3:16-17)

-- in heaven and hell. (Matthew 25:31-46)

-- that man sins and is in need of salvation. (Rom. 3:23)

-- that salvation comes through God's grace and Jesus's death. (Rom. 3:24-25)

--that one becomes a Christian by believing the Bible, repenting of sins, confessing belief in Jesus as God's son, and being baptized (immersed into water for the remission of sins) with the intent to remain faithful. (Acts 2:38)

-- that there is one church that belongs to Jesus. (Eph. 4:4; Matt. 16:18)

-- that our worship to God should be done in "spirit and truth." (John 4:24)

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